Hi, I'm


I am an enthusiastic front-end developer, with a passion for technology and innovation.
I especially enjoy creating useful and friendly UI's, working with API's and responsive design.
I would describe myself as a life long learner, curious and eager to achieve knowledge. Finally I would like to challenge myself and to get out of my comfort zone, working and collaborating with talented individuals and teams, learn from their experiences, and showcase my abilities in the dynamic environment of front-end/web development.

To learn more about me, keep exploring my site

Download my CV


  • Java & Angular - Business College Helsinki - August 2021- January 2023.
  • React and Node.js - Spark Academy/Full-Stack Development - The Shortcut - August 2022 - December 2022.
  • Bachelor Degree of Management - Constantin Brancoveanu University - Ramnicu Valcea, Romania - 2009-2012.

Skills & Tools









Spring Boot


IDE, Databases & Design

Visual Studio



Adobe Illustrator




Microsoft Azure


Helsinki City Bikes

The Movie DB

Tabular Data from SPARQL

Seven Wonders

Countries list

Amazing scientists

Business College Helsinki - Portfolio

Helsinki Sights

One page website


Helsinki City Bikes

Mar 2023 - Apr 2023
Helsinki, Finland

Web application that uses a backend service to fetch data from the database and displays journeys made with city bike in the Helsinki Capital area. Additionally, the app displays a map, where the user can visualize all the city bikes stations, with a separate UI for stations and individual station's details and map. Stations can be added in the database.

Technologies used:

  • UI:
    • React, MUI.
  • Backend:
    • Node.js, Express, MongoDB.

Helsinki City Bikes

Project Rest Countries

Dec 2022
Helsinki, Finland

Application that displays a list of countries, showing some information, and opens additional page when clicking on individual country from the list, showing more information.

The project is built with React and use REST Countries API to fetch the data.

Rest Countries


Project of Studies - The Shortcut Spark Academy & Wikimedia Finland

Nov 2022 - Dec 2022
Helsinki, Finland

The application is built as a tool that executes a SPARQL query and save the result on the Wikimedia Commons, in tabular data format. The user can preview the query in query.wikidata.

The project is built with React and Node.js. Boot.

Tabular Data from SPARQL

Project of Studies - Business College Helsinki & CGI - Team Project

Helsinki Sights

Apr 2022 - May 2022
Helsinki, Finland

As part of my degree, we created an application that retrieves data from MyHelsinki API and shows places of interests nearby along with events and activities. My responsibilities included programming as well as scrum master for our 3rd Sprint.

The project is built with Angular, Bootstrap and Spring Boot.

Helsinki Sights


Project of Studies - Individual Project

Noora Coffee Shop

Mar 2022
Helsinki, Finland

An application that sells coffee machines and coffee related products. The user can register and login in the application and the admin can upload photos and modify products informations in the database.

The application is built with Spring Boot, H2 embedded relational database, Bootstrap and CSS.

Noora Coffee Shop

Project of Studies - Team Project

Oct 2021
Helsinki, Finland

My first static website project, built with HTML, Bootstrap, JavaScript and CSS is a team project. Our 3 developers team created a travel website that displays the Seven Wonders of the World as a destination.

Seven Wonders